Ostara – Spring Equinox – 21st – 23rd Sept

Day and night stand equal, spring has arrived, plants are flowering, animals birthing and life is bursting with abundance. It is a time to honour the Young God and the positive balance between Man and Woman. It is time to plant your future!!! Sow the seeds now to the abundance that you want to manifest into your life, don’t hold back, don’t let fear of the unknown make you think or aim small…the bigger the better now!

Ostara is one of the best times to do that spring clean you have been thinking about but never seem to get around to, do it now, let the energies of this time spur you on. Think about what you can also spring clean from your life right now, what can you get rid of that is no-longer serving your highest good. Write a list of what needs to go, and start today to cross them off, you will feel amazing afterwards, like a new person!

This is also the time to stop your rushing around and smell the flowers, really take the time to BE in the moment, not just on the surface of it. Take a walk-in nature, go for a stroll on the beach and look around you at all the wonders that is around you.

For the family it’s a time to have an egg hunt in the garden or spend some time decorating eggs, as this is also the time that in the Northern Hemisphere that they would be celebrating Easter!

The colours for this festival is greens, yellows, reds and oranges and Sunflowers and pine nuts are the plants associated with it. 

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