Advance Psychic Development Classes

Advance Psychic Development Classes
These classes are the next level of working with your intuition and it allow you connect with and bring through healing , inspiring messages from spirit guides, passed loved ones and many other spiritual beings.
In the advance classes you will be learning how to tune into the amazing wisdom of the universe, this will not only help bring a deeper understanding of your own purpose and life lessons, but if you wish to do so it will assist the people that you are reading for. With the inspiration and benefits from mediumship and channelling it can allow you to tune into your untapped potential, and this will be beneficial in all aspects of your life and is limitless.
This course includes a lot of practise and fine tuning of your abilities that will help you to feel confident in your intuition and life in general.
In this course we will explore two levels:
Professional – Mediumship / Channelling
  • ·         What the difference is between mediumship and channelling and the many different techniques that can be used to bring through inspirational messages.
  • ·         We will look at deepening your communication skills and abilities to bring through messages from your spirit guides and angels.
  • ·         How to further your practical skills in communicating with, and bringing through messages from, passed loved ones.
  • ·         How to find your own, special way of communicating with the spirit world, how to bring forward their messages and communicate that to others.
  • ·         Advanced techniques to hone your skill level with all the psychic senses.

·         We will look further into the use of psychic tools, some which you may already be using, e.g. psychometry and automatic writing, and how to truly make them a part of your Mediumship and Channelling practice.

Personal – How your intuition can support and guide you
  • ·         Understand how intuitive awareness can support you in throughout your life
  • ·         Have an awareness of the different types of intuitiveness
  • ·         Create an empowering and protective environment for personal development and growth
  • ·         Have an understanding of how the spirit world tries to communicate with us – what their signs are.
  • ·         Strengthen the higher guidance connection and communication
  • ·         Enhance intuitive skills
  • ·         Understand the use of energy to enhance intuitive ability.
  • ·         Read the energy imprints of objects – psychometry
  • ·         Develop ways to structure your readings
  • ·         Apply your intuitive skills

Classes will be held on Tuesday day from 11am – 1:30pm & Tuesday night from 6:30pm – 9pm. They will be $100 per term, with a non-refundable deposit of $50 per term, it works out at $20 a class with 3 free classes. Both these classes will be the same so if you miss a day class you are welcome to the night class and vice versa
Term 1: 6th February, 20th February, 6th March, 20th March, 3rd April (10th April make-up class – Free)
Term 2: 1st May, 15th May, 29th May, 12th June, 26th June (3rd July make-up class – Free)
Term 3: 24th July, 7th August, 21st, 4th Sept, 18th September (25th September make-up class – Free)
Term 4: 16th October, 30th October, 13th November, 27th November, 11th December (Graduation) 

Please call me on 0410 538 965 or email
places are limited


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