September Full Moon

Here’s a funny thing about tonight’s full moon, normally this full moon is called the Harvest Moon, but that is because it usually falls on and around the time of the Autumn Equinox (Sept 22nd) but as it is this early it has now been given the name of Corn Moon, with next months full moon named the Harvest Moon…now how does that effect us?? it doesn’t any more, as these names were given to the moons long ago to assist farmers with their planting and reaping. 

Nowadays we are not that in-tune with this, which is a shame really….

So what are we looking at for this full moon?

Lots and lots of yummy stuff

These last few Full Moons have all been about changes, insights and adjustments to our lives. It was showing us how to set ourselves up for new beginnings, and what it would been for us. This full moon is going to help us with gaining clarity into what our next steps will be and should help to clear up any confusion that has been surrounding this.

This full moon falls in the sign of Pisces with the opposite in Virgo, so creating a tug of war between the “real” world and the world of “dreams” as Piscean energy wants us to forget all about the everyday aspects of life and just deal with the spiritual realms. Virgo energy likes the order and routine of life, so you will find yourself needed it bring yourself back to earth throughout this month, but don’t despair as in allowing yourself to float on the spiritual side you will be tapping into the collective unconscious, which can help in bring through strong insights and inspiration.

So enjoy this wonderful full moon, let go and let those creative juices flow

Helen xoxx

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