Mediumship Readings

With the help of my Spirit guides, I will look to connect with past loved ones so that you might find closure and healing. In doing so it can help you to recognize and break any habits that can be self-destructive and assist you in learning how to replace them with choices that can led to enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Mediums and psychics – are they one in the same?
This is a common question, and my short answer would be no, they are not the same. Not all psychics are mediums, but most Mediums are psychics. In my case, I am both a psychic and a Medium, and I utilise my psychic ability to help you visualise your path and help identify possible opportunities for you to have a better, safer, and healthier life.

Messages passed one from loved ones past will be given with empathy and compassion, as I understand that connecting with them can be an emotional time. If you wish to bring photos of your pasted loved ones this can assist to connect with them.

Mediumship Reading Rates
90 minutes – $150 AUD
60 minutes – $100 AUD
30 minutes – $70 AUD

What are spirit guides?

Spirit guides are energies that provide guidance throughout our lives and are not judgmental nor do they try to force you to do anything that is not for your higher self.

Who are they?

Spirit guides can take many forms; they can be people, plants, animals, Angels, elemental beings, fairies, Dragons….virtually anything in nature and space.

What do they do?

Spirit will not interfere in your life unless you ask them, only in very dire circumstances, i.e. in a life or death situation they will step-in unasked. They are there to guide you when you ask for the assistance, they will steer you in the right direction when you are at a cross roads or in need of some clarification. They allow us to tap into their energies to assist in healing yourselves or others.

Are they past loved ones?

Sometimes they are, although your main guide will not be as they have been with you since birth and will be with you until you cross over.

How do they communicate with us?

They can communicate with us in numerous ways such as through dreams, visions, “coincidences”, signs and symbols.

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