Spirit Animal – Lion

The lion symbolizes strength, assertiveness, personal power. He shows you how to be assertive without being dominating, how to lead without being aggressive and how to be confident in yourself.  
When the lion comes to you as a spirit animal he can sometimes come with a warning of personal or property safety, so you need to be aware of what’s going on around you, and don’t let yourself be taken in by the glitter that might come from a deal or an offer. He can also show up when you are facing a difficult decision or situation, and he will show you ways to deal with this issue, in a calm yet assertive way.
Lions also represent when you may be feeling overpowered or in conflict with a power and authority figure, it can symbolize external power, authority, forces that dominate or rule parts of your life. So in is time to sit back and look at why you feel so threaten by them or their power. Maybe you need to remember your own power and sit in this energy.

You may also be in need of controlling your temper or your moderate aggressive impulses. For instance, observe if you could really listen to what people have to say before striking back at them. Or explore how to express your needs or anger more openly and constructively to reduce your level of frustration.

Helen xoxx

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