Spirit Guides continued

Hi beautiful people,

I thought that today I would introduce you all to my Gatekeeper, as I have said in previous posts my Spirit Team consist of 6 guides. My Gatekeeper, Teacher, Healer, Joy guides x 2 and a Communications Guide (this is a fairly new guide) these guides have been with me now for the last 7 – 10 years…

So lets introduce you to my GateKeeper and what his role is for myself. He is the one that will first interact with the spirits of passed loved ones, he will gather information for me before my readings and let me know a “heads up” as it were as to who or what might be on the cards that day. He is also the one that I will ask to “close or turn off” my gift when I am not “on” or working. As you know it is not really possible to complete turn off your psychic gifts, but you also do not want to be walking around all day WIDE OPEN to all the spiritual activity that is taking place. That would be SO exhausting on so many level. So it is his responsibility to filter this information / energy for myself. Now i have never been given his name and I have only ever “seen” him as a pillar of Blue and white light. He always stands behind me and gives me the information that he has gathered from the spirits. When the spirits of the clients loved ones are comfortable with myself and the process I will then often communicate with them directly and my GateKeeper steps back.

Just to give you a little visual on how I “see” the spirits in my readings. I visualise a corridor that extends out behind me and at the end of this corridor is a door, the spirits come through this door and proceed up the corridor towards my GateKeeper, they then move into the room when they feel comfortable to do so. Sometimes spirits will stand at the doorway and not come up any further, this is often because they feel that they have anything to say or just wish to observe. This is how I see spirit, remember it is different for everyone.

With all my guides I work very closely with them on a regular basis, to ensure that they are clear on what I expect of them and what is necessary for me to know. I don’t really believe that you should just let them tell you how it should be, as I am part of the process so it needs to be a two way street. Remember to set your boundaries with your guides and spirits the same way that you would with a friend or family member.

I will introduce you to my amazing Healer guide soon

Helen xoxo 

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