Spirit Guides continued

Hi there, so more on Spirit Guides.

I have on many occasions been asked if all Spirit Guides are human, my answer is no, as we can have animals, angels, beings of light, dragons, faeries, crystals and even plants/trees as our Spirit Guides, and of course they do not have to be from this world or this dimension. Spirit Guides are unique to us. No-one has the same one and why would you want to share!

My team of Guides help and assist me to grow within my psychic gifts, they are the ones that shape my learning experiences by providing me with opportunities to push the boundaries and challenge me to expand. They also guide me towards other teachers / mentors who can assist me, they will also stop me if I am trying to go too fast too soon, as this can lead to overload or lessons not being learnt. so repeating can then mean a backward step is necessary, and yes I have had to repeat some lessons a few times to finally understand the message – much to their exasperation 🙂 but as I always say to them on these occasions, I will never forget these ones!!!!

Now I have different guides for different roles, mine are:

Gatekeeper / Guardian, this is my main contact to the Spirits of passed loved ones who wish to communicate with me or my client; they are the one that start to gather information about who is around me and what evidence / information that I can pass on to my client so that they know who me am connecting with. Once my client is happy that they know who is contacting them my Gatekeeper will then normally step back so I can communicate directly with the Spirit. They are also that ones that will turn my “ability” off so to speak when I do not want to be “on”

Then comes my Teacher, he (in my case) is the one that will supports me in further developing my gifts, be that within the psychic / mediumship area or general life lessons that need to be learnt. He is are there to encourage me to improve my skills, help motivate me to achieve more, let me shine more brightly and give assistance through my life lessons. He has an area of expertise, a vast knowledge that helps me to open up different ways of thinking when I am are faced with challenges. As my teacher guide he is the main one concerned with my spiritual development, so he is who I to ask the questions about where my path is taking me. He doesn’t always tell me straight out, more gets me to find this information out for myself with his guidance.

I also have a couple of Joy guides, these guides are there to ensure that I continue to see the lighter side of life and to help me keep the passion in my life. They will often come into a reading when someone is depressed or lacking passion / joy within themselves and they will pass on information on how that person can recover this. They are often animals, and younger children as we are asked to stay connected to our “inner child”

A Healer guide is often one guide that I find changes (for me) on a regular basis as I often need healing for different reasons throughout my life and my clients will also need different types of healing. This guide will be more subtle then the others as their energy is softer, I will normally feel their guidance rather than see or hear them.

I will be posting later how to meet your guides with a written mediation and signs that you use to assist you in telling how they are contacting you.

Blessings Helen xoxo


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