Happy Yule Tide
Today is the Winter Solstice or Yule
This day marks the shortest day and longest night
The winter solstice festival, when the sun after its withdrawal starts to come back closer to the Earth. This closeness marks the rebirth of the God from the seed within the Goddess. It is a solar festival in which traditionally all lights and fires were put out, then they were relit from a centre fire to being blessings into the home. This is where the tradition of the Yule log comes from
This is a great time to celebrate your Abundance with family and friends, to seek out what is coming into your life and remember to honor the journey you have taken.
It is great time to do a Winter Clean as you are showing the universe that you are welcoming in new life with throwing out of the out.
Have a happy Yule Tide
Blessings Helen xoxo