Spirit Guides

Good morning, afternoon and evening…hopefully i have covered them all 🙂

So as I mentioned in a previous post, I will be introducing my Spirit Team, these are the team of guides that I work with on daily basis, that assist me in my readings, teachings and healing.

But firstly let talk about what a spirit guide is…

Through my work with my guides I have been shown that we have one personal guide that is with us from birth to death, and they are there to help us grow along our path. Their job is also to bring in other guides during our life time who come to us when we need to move along in our spiritual and personal growth. These new guides can stay for weeks, months, years or the rest of your life, it is solely dependant on what needs to be learnt and the time that takes you (yes we are ultimately responsible) 

You will often find that just before a new guides arrival, you will get restless, feel like something is supposed to be happening but not sure what, have more vivid dreams, feel that some-one is watching you, all this is normal and is to be celebrated as you are about to take a leap into the unknown!!!

I have found that my psychic gift is heighten just before a new guide makes themselves known, which can sometimes lead to an unsettling feeling, use this time to allow the universe to release all that is not needed for the move forward. I now look forward to this time and embrace with open arms as I know that new knowledge is coming soon. 

OK so how you meet yours guides, and how to hear/see/feel them, will be in another post directed just at that, as there are so many different ways to go about this that I like to give you a few options, as you are the one that needs to feel comfortable with the process.

So introducing the main man!!! and yes his energy is very much like this, I was having a Reiki session with a great friend and fellow healer once and we both saw him standing at the end of the massage table, he did not like how i had been “using” him in my readings and healing! he said at the time that “I am here just for you” “when are you going to understand this” well as you can imagine after this i did get it pretty quick!

So this guide is my personal guide, he come to me as male with a headdress on that look a lot like a birds beak, so most of the time i am not able to see his face, he has not yet given me his name although i have asked and will continue to ask. He comes from the Macedonian era, which is around the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries, he was a warrior for his people and is very gruff in his approach (which on occasions i have poked fun at) but he does have an gentle way of getting his message across to me. He has asked me to “spend” some time with him everyday, connect with him and his energy to gain insight to how my day will go. I do try and I mostly manage this about 90% of the time, and when i do take the time to sit and connect with him, my day does flow. 

Now I know that you are thinking, well that would be great if i had the time, or it’s not going to work for me as i have, kids, work,study..a life 🙂 yes that is very true we all are very busy, running around trying to do everything at once, but I have found that just 5 minutes first thing in the morning..before I get into my day to just say Hi, good morning, how’s my day looking? then allowing him to connect with me is what gives me the flow for the day. When i forget or jump into my day head first…i do feel more like i am chasing my tail, spinning from one thing to another without any real direction. So I feel that i can spare 5 minutes daily to gain so much more.

I will be introducing the rest of my Spirit Team in the next few posts so say tuned.

Blessings Helen xoxo 

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