Energy and how it can affect us

I want to share how I filter the energies that I come in contact with on a daily basis when doing my readings / healings and I felt it might assist you also. As we are all dealing with people on a daily basis  in which ever form that might take, we connect  with other energies and sometimes we can become overwhelmed or drained afterwards.
So I have heard people talk about “protection” but I have always felt that this was coming from a place of fear rather than love so through a meditation I received a vision of what to be looked like a flyscreen!
My guides explained that this was my filter, it was silver and white but often changes as I need it to. It was a mesh made up of lots of tiny holes (like an actual flyscreen) which they told me that I could make as large or as small as I wanted to and to practice.
This filter allows the energies to flow but it stops the attachment that can sometimes happen without our knowledge. It can allow you to sit in their energy and know that it’s theirs; help them to move forward and through it without taking it on broad. At the end of the day I always turn my filter into a bug zapper to zap any unwanted attachments. This leaves me free and in my energy and in my space.
One thing that I have noticed in the past that often a bubble is used to “protect” our energy the issue that I have found with this is that your own energy is also trapped inside this bubble and can often lead to an explosion when least expected. So a filter allows free flowing energies.
I hope this resonates with someone and would love to know how others do it.

Blessings Helen xoxo

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