
Strength- Eight

Upright: Strength, courage, patience, control, compassion

Reversed: Weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline

Strength is not about brute force but it talks about True Strength as that quiet energy within us that says “we can do it”, it is about fortitude of character, and the ability to not only control the emotions, but to rise above them, and triumph over all out lower impulses and desires. This card continues the lesson of the Chariot, showing that once we have learned to control emotion, we must rise above it. Its main lesson is that emotions must be transcended if spiritual wisdom and intuition are to be awakened. Whispers from the intuition are often drowned out by the constant roar of emotion and preoccupation and fear. Only once we have eliminated these can the silence you need be created

When this card shows up in reading it is telling us that we need to be patience and know that we can do it. It asks us to look at our lives and remember that we need to balance the energies throughout our life in order to enjoy it.

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