Crystals and Healing

Crystals – how can we used them for our health and spiritually?

I have often found that health and spirituality can go hand in hand, and you can see a change within yourself when one area improves so does the other. If you are on a spiritual path you maybe finding the current energies within the Earth a challenging at present as there is a great shift towards more synergy, more awareness of how we affect our own healing and on the flip side our disease too.

So are you looking or wanting to discover how to boost your innate healing gifts? Do you see the use of crystals as part of this journey?

As healing crystals have become more easily available more people are using them to improve their spirituality and health. So it follows that spiritual methods that can make your life better have become more prevalent. The use of healing crystals has now become a major part of the natural healing practitioner’s life as they work so well.

Do you feel that they are now over used and possible not understood as well as they should be? Can these crystals work if we don’t really know how they work?

One of the best methods in using crystals is to use them in conjunction with our Chakras. Chakra stones are healing crystals that have a specific vibration and colour.

Have you used specific chakra stones to create a healing action in individual chakras?

Chakras are energy vortices that exist within the etheric body and transmit life force energy to the body. Each chakra governs specific bodily functions of the organs in the body close to the area where they are located.

You will find that all of the chakras will have specific colours that can be used to heal them, and although we normally speak of only seven chakras, there thousands of minor chakras in addition to the major seven. Most crystals of a specific colour will used for healing a particular chakra, some crystals may be used to heal more than one chakra. There are many crystals for each chakra, and various crystals may be particularly powerful to aid you to heal in different ways. As you gain knowledge of what health issues are healed by the various crystals that you have, you will be able to take personal responsibility for your own healing.

Using Crystals in meditation

You can program a crystal to help you to attain a deeper meditation, as crystals can hold information, lots of information and energies. It will help to write it out first, and it can work more powerfully if you do this in the form of a written affirmation. Find a crystal that sits comfortably in your hand, now relax your mind completely and imagine that you are stepping inside the crystal. Allow yourself to immerse yourself in its energy, as you do this, share with the crystal what your intentions are and what you desire that the outcome of this program will be. If your crystal has a point or termination, hold it facing in, towards your arm, to aid the energy to run through your entire system.

A great way to start to feel the energies of the chakras and the energies of the crystals is to do a short meditation placing the crystals on your body. Smaller stones works best for this as you will be placing them on your body, or you can place them under a massage bed if you have one.

So ensure that you have at least 20 minutes of “me” then start my either laying on the floor or the bed and place a RED crystal between your legs near your pelvic bone. Place an ORANGE crystal on your stomach about just below your belly button, the YELLOW crystal above your belly button where your ribs come together, the GREEN crystal in the centre of your chest, place the BLUE crystal in the middle of your throat, the PURPLE crystal in the centre of your forehead and the CLEAR crystal above your head. Close your eyes and slowly take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your month, allow the energy to flow from Mother Earth up through the RED crystal all the up through each one and then out through the CLEAR crystal. Lay quietly for 20 minutes and if any thoughts come into your head acknowledge them and let them go, then when you are finished pick up the crystals in the reverse order. Place them around your home or in a bag and carry them with you.

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