Super Moon & Autumn Equinox

Today as it’s the last of our Super Full Moons this year and it’s also the Autumn Equinox it would be a great time to look at what in your life you are grateful for….and what you have done in your life that has created the ripple effect….good and bad

The energies are strong in clearing, cleansing and creating

I want you to take some time today to make two lists, one will be your gratitudes the other will be your ripples

When you have completed them both fold them up and place them in a envelope. The one with the gratitudes in I want you to post to yourself
.as this will allow the Abundance to flow towards you during this coming months.

With the one with your ripples in…I want you to focus on the present, the reason you are have in this place in your life, it has been due to all those ripples, good and bad…both have combined to bring you to this place in time.

Now write on the back of this envelope your thanks to the Divine the universe for bringing you here. Sign it and date it and put in the earth outside (this can be outside your home.or somewhere you feeling at one with)this will start the growth of new beginnings, new understandings, new ways of thinking and you are letting go of the need for control to Mother Earth.

Bright Blessings this full moon and Autumn Equinox

Blessings Helen xoxo

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