Lions Gate 8/8

Lions Gate Portal– Creative Cycle

8/8 is known as the Lions Gate and is a time of great power. This year the Lion’s gate is a time of accelerated transformation that began back in 1999 and will culminates in 2021. This time of intensive transformation is a time to release the last reminding vestiges of OLD SELF and start the active process of Soul Path, learning how to live fearlessly in the creative, loving Soul Path that is your Divine Right.

The focus of 2019 has been the journey of the Divine Feminine, especially as a spiritual leader and teacher, as this this year has been dominated by the energy of the Feminine. 2020 brings in a new energy that has a master number the double 2, which will create a new cycle for the Divine Feminine as well as the Divine Masculine to bring about a more rounded and grounded energy to you.

What does all this mean to you? Well it is time for you to finish what you started!! Look at what you have been trying to do but is not working or that you started but have not finished and close those loops. If you are not passionate about any of them, let them go, as they were not meant to be in the first place. It is a time of intense healing where you will feel like you are shedding a old skin to let the new beautiful one shine though. New, fabulous ideas will start to pop into your head that will fill you with joy and happiness.

So embrace all that is great and good in your life at this time and release the old

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