Wheel Of The Year

I thought that I would introduce the Wheel of the Year, which an annual celebration of seasonal festivals including Solstices and Equinoxes. It will be in time with the seasons here in the Southern Hemisphere and it will give you an opportunity to re-establish your connection with the turning of the Earth. To see how to use the energies of the Earth to assist you in creating the life you desire.

Yule (Winter Solstice), the time of the shortest day of the year, the sun begins its path out of winter towards Spring. 20 – 23 June.

Imbolc or Candlemas, (Brigid’s Day) – the light of rebirth grows stronger. It is a time for purification as we continue to emerge from the dark of winter. 1 August

Spring Equinox, (Ostara) ,when the day and night are equal length. By now, we are feeling re-energised and are ready to burst forth with renewed energy. 20 – 23 Sept

Beltane (May Day in the northern hemisphere). The name is derived from the Celtic god Belenus, and is a time to celebrate fertility and the earth’s ripe abundance.  31 October

Summer Solstice (or Litha), when the sun reaches its zenith, and then turns southward and the days begin to shorten. Make hay while the sun shines!  20 – 23 December

Lammas (Harvest Festival), a time of thanksgiving and preparation for the dark, cold winter and the death of nature.  2 February

Autumn Equinox (or Mabon), a time when nature declines, draws back into bounty, readying for winter and its time of rest.  20 – 23 March

Samhain (Hallowe’en) The most sacred holiday celebrated throughout the Wheel of the Year is Samhain (pronounced sow-en), which may mean “summer’s end”.  Samhain is the time to celebrate the Crone, the wise one, the healer.  1 May

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