Transformational Tuesday 14th Feb 2023

Messages from Transformational Tuesday 14th Feb 2023

Love is in the air

Image One: If you were drawn to this image, you are being told that you have not been giving enough time to self-love. You are a Divine Being worthy of unconditional love. If you are not giving that to yourself, you cannot except others to.

Image Two: If you were drawn to this image, you are being told your time of loneliness is over, so if you are not in a relationship, you will be in the next two months and those in a relationship you will find a deeper connection this week

Image Three: If you were drawn to this image, you are being told that you seem stuck in a cycle that is beginning to be destructive and will lead to you feeling abandoned. It’s time to understand once the emotions had a place in your soul but now in the present they do not. Time to dissolve them.

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