Tarot Card – The Emperor

The Emperor  Upright: Authority, father-figure, structure, solid foundation Reversed: Domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility The Emperor is the second leg of the Body-Mind-Spirit triad, representing the power of the mind to shape the world. He is the opposite of the Empress in that he is all about rules, guidelines and structure,…

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Sacred Elixirs – Vitality

Solar Plexus – Vitality – Tigers Eye / Chrysoberyl Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the digestive system, muscles, middle back and spleen, our ability to be confident and in control of our lives.  You can overcome any obstacle on your path with strength and courage and when you find…

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Sacred Elixirs – Joy

“Give birth to new ideas, new projects and new energies. Learn to link with your inner child to find the innocent joy in all things around you. Love freely, be true to yourself and be joyful” Welcome to the wonderful world of Sacred Elixirs. These Sacred Elixirs have been super…

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Wonders of Yarrow

Yarrow Diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, stimulant and mild aromatic.  Fights bacteria –  Yarrow has an antiseptic action. The bitter parts and fatty acids encourage bile flow out of the gallbladder. The free-flowing action improves digestion and prevents and gallstones from forming. Decongestant. Yarrow contains a drying effect and seems to improve coughs and…

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Gecko – Spirit Aminal

Gecko Detachment from ego Power to regenerate that which is lost Facing fear Controlling Dreams Moving in the other world Adaptation Variation Introversion Quickness Shrewdness Going with the flow Dream time Spontaneity Reflexive If the Gecko is one of your personal Animal Totems you are being shown that you have the power to regenerate that which is…

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Transformation Though Tarot

The Empress  Upright: Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance Reversed: Creative block, dependence on others With the Empress the Tarot now starts to deal with the unification of spirit, mind and body. The Empress is the latter leg of this triad, representing the physical body and the material world. From her come all…

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Sacred Crystal Elixirs

I am so excited to announce that my fabulous Sacred Elixirs are all finished and ready for you all to try!!! woohoo  These Elixirs have been a passion of mine for sometime, but I just needed a little extra encouragement that I was on the right path with them. I got…

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Herb – Elderberry

Elder Elderflower has been used in traditional medicine all over the world in many different cultures due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The most common uses are for colds and flu, sinus infections, and other respiratory disturbances. As a supplement, elderflower also has diuretic and laxative properties and is…

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