Tarot – High Priestess

 High Priestess I love love this card, it is my “Women Power” card. She speaks to the inner voice, to our inner knowledge and she asks us “Are you really listening?” Upright: Intuition, Higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind Reversed: Hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice The High Priestess is arguably…

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Dream..Dreams and more Dreams

What are dreams? “Dreams a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep” Dreams are essentially images or stories within our minds that are created when we sleep. They can be very vivid, they can be vague, mixed up and sometimes scary. These dreams can…

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Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia, E. purpurea)- is a simple flowering plant and a member of the daisy family. The name derives from the Greek word ekhinos (hedgehog) because the cone resembles a small hedgehog.  It is most certainly one of the more popular herbs and this is for a good reason. It is…

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The Magician

The Magician Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness Planet: Mercury Last month we started the journey of the Major Arcana with The Fool, who is the beginning of the Tarot deck, he is all about freshness, openness and is often spontaneous. This month the Fool meets The Magician and he is…

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Bear Spirit Guide

Bear – Healing, wisdom, strength, change, power, introspection, intuition The bear has many different meanings that inspire those who have this animal as totem, ·  The main meaning of the Bear Spirit animal is about strength and confidence. ·  The Bear, he shows us how to stand against adversity, he…

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Dragon Meditation

Dragon Mediation Close your eyes, take three deep breathes…….breathe in…..hold for 2 seconds then release through the mouth……and again…breathe in….hold for 2 seconds then release through the mouth…and last time…breathe in….hold for 2 seconds then release through the mouth. You find yourself in a clearing in the forest….in the distance…

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