Channelled message from the Goddess Cerridwen

When do we stop being an individual?
When we are born? When we first enter a relationship? When we become a parent?
Why do we stop being an individual?
Are we not important anymore? Do we not matter? Where is our self-worth?
Are we really the sum of the other person / persons?
Do they make us who we are?

Why should anyone other than ourselves have that power over us? Why do we allow it!!!!

Is it out of fear, out of love, out of duty?

Whatever it is for you…it has to STOP, right NOW!

No-one is responsible for YOU except YOU, when you hand this over to others you are handing over your power, your sense of self, your individuality.

Don’t you love yourself? Don’t you want to be an individual, standing in their own power?

When I speak of power I speak of the power of love, of light and healing, as LOVE is higher than ourselves, higher than our needs, higher than our wants
To love without condition is perhaps the hardest thing that we as human beings face, as we feel the need to put a condition onto everything.

If you change this, then I will love you more
If you stop this, then I will love you more
If you do this, then I will love you more
To change is to grow, to love without condition is to grow the most. Do not think to accept second best, to allow bad behaviour, as you know you are worth more
You are worth the best that the universe can give
You are worth the best of the best
So I ask you….Do you love unconditionally? Why or what do you love?


Helen xoxx

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