
Imbolc – 31st July

Imbolc also known as St Brigid’s Day, this is the time of the returning light, it is a day dedicated to fire and renewal. The Goddess wakes from her long slumber at Imbolc, rising and shaking off the dry leaves and snow of the winter season to emerge young and revitalized as the Maiden.

This is a time of purification, where you focus on rebirth, renewal and start to reaffirm what is important to you. As this is a fire festival candles are a big part of the celebrations as their flames remind you of the light that spring will bring into your life. Imbolc is the perfect time to concentrate on building your spiritual awareness and a great way to do this it to place a candle at eye level and gently graze into the flame, let your eyes soften so that it is also like you are looking through the flames. Take note of what pictures or images that you see in the flames and let the Divine take over your alertness.

Write down your hopes, wishes and desires for the coming months, what do you wish to bring into this time of rebirth and renewal?  Be specific and ask for what you want. Make a photo collage to really focus your awareness and put it somewhere you can see it every day.

Imbolc is also a great time to start a garden and can be the perfect exercise for the whole family. Look at your backyard and see if there is a place you can start a small veggie patch or grow some herbs to use in your cooking. Kids love the idea of growing and then eating their own produce.  

Here is a little poem that I wrote back in 2009 on a magical retreat. The picture that I have shared is also one of my first “Symbols” that I created for this Sabbat and the poem was fitted into the Symbol

Life is bursting through, it is time for you to start anew. Drink the welcome spiced wine hot and cast aside bagge held forgotten.
Renew, re-start and awake, it’s time for you to take your part for the Imbolc festival is about to to start.
Light your candles and gather around, fun and laughter here will around.
Know that Spirit and Sun will rise, as all things come with newborn cries.

Have a magical Imbolc 
Blessings Helen

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