Sacred Elixirs – Joy

“Give birth to new ideas, new projects and new energies. Learn to link with your inner child to find the innocent joy in all things around you. Love freely, be true to yourself and be joyful”

Welcome to the wonderful world of Sacred Elixirs.
These Sacred Elixirs have been super charge with the energies of sun, magical moonlight and the healing energies of Reiki.
Each Sacred Elixir is programed to the vibrational frequency of the charka that it is working with. You Are Joy is working on the Heart Chakra which physically is associated with the reproductive organs, lower digestive organs and kidneys. Emotionally is it our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. The crystals used to harmonize with this chakra are Carnelian which is the “feel good” stone and it can boost your confidence and energy levels, it will assist you to find the connection between emotion and dis-ease. Sunstone brings you positivity, vitality and promotes abundance.
Crystal elixirs have been used for centuries and are well researched; they can be an effective method of gaining the real benefits of crystal therapy. When a crystal elixir is taken internally, its can have a holistic effect which is released on all levels physical, emotional, and spiritual. We know how well water can be programmed and store vibrational energies, when combined with the energies and properties of crystals we can then harness a whole range of healing qualities.
Sacred Elixirs are recommended to be taken under the tongue as this puts the essence of the elixir directly into the sublingual tract, so it will be immediately absorbed, and does not go through the digestive tract. Dosages are easy to control this way.

Dosage: 7 drops twice daily directly under the tongue.

$20 for a 100ml bottle (includes postage in Australia)
0410 538 965

Helen xoxx

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