Spirit Animal


Wow I get absolutely totally love butterflies and to me they have always symbolise the essence of Spirit. Butterflies go through a transformation called metamorphosis. This transformation is truly amazing as the caterpillar needs to “digest” itself in order to release hormones that then begin the building process of the butterfly. When the transformation is finished out comes a stunning creature. Now the other amazing thing is that not only do the caterpillar look totally different from a butterfly they also act different. One lives in the trees the other flies, one eats leaves and the other will live entirely on nectar. So it’s a fantastic mechanism developed by nature, yet it symbolises how we are humans transform from a physically being to spirit.

Some meanings of butterflies as a spirit animal
  • ·         Moving through different life cycles
  • ·         Renewal, rebirth
  • ·         Elevation from earthly matters, turning into emotional or spiritual ones
  • ·         The world of the soul, psyche
  • ·         Powerful transformation in your life

So when a butterfly crosses your path they are asking you to see that soon you will be going through some important changes within your life, that when you move through these to be sure to do so with grace as it is inevitable.  They are powerful animals to when you are in need of support through life changes and to do this you can simply stand outside, lift up your hands and visualize them sitting on your hands. Then ask for them to assist you in your next transformation and watch them gentle fly off.
If one has fluttered by or has indeed come to sit upon you know that they are there to let you know that you need to embrace the changes coming, to let go of any expectations as to the outcome and don’t try to control it. Have faith in the process and the rest will follow. WE are entering a soul-journey and it will be one that will bring us great joy and happiness.

Blessings Helen xoxo

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