The Magician

The Magician
Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness
Planet: Mercury

Last month we started the journey of the Major Arcana with The Fool, who is the beginning of the Tarot deck, he is all about freshness, openness and is often spontaneous. This month the Fool meets The Magician and he is all about our conscious awareness, he is the force that allows us to impact the world through the use of our individual will and power.

He is there to assist us to look at what we have in our lives and ask the questions
·         What works for you?
·         What can you change?
·         What can you let go of?

The questions always seem simple until we look underneath at the energies running through them. Do we think that we know the answers straight away or do they make us feel a little uncomfortable? It could be that you know that a change is needed but not how to change, if this is the case then the Magician can help, as he says, look beneath, see what is working and use that, look for your strengths and use them. Don’t linger on the negatives as it will only pull you down and the Magician wants you to become, bigger, better and brighter.

When the Magician comes to us in regards to a relationship issue, we are being asked to look at what is going on under the surface and not to take things at face value. He also ask us to evaluate our role in the relationship and what we are responsible for, are we trying to put the blame on others, are we not wanting to change what is ours to change.  Don’t let the issues bog you down, but try and experiment with what works and see how you can change for the better.

Blessings Helen xoxo

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